Since the inception of Malmö University in 1998, International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) has been one of the most distinguished and externally recognized subject areas of the university. Today, the Department of Global Political Studies offers two bachelor’s degrees (one Swedish and one English), two master degrees in English (one-year and two-year) and one doctoral degree in IMER studies (also English). The teachers of the five programmes work in close collaboration with the research centre MIM (the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare), which creates a strong and vibrant learning environment.
The subject of IMER includes on the one hand different aspects of international migration such as causes, patterns, structures and conditions on the global, regional, national and local levels in sending and receiving societies, and on the other hand the relational dynamics of ethnic diversity such as integration, segregation, multiculturalism, populism and xenophobia. IMER is a multidisciplinary subject that encompasses legal and political as well as socioeconomic and sociocultural theories and perspectives on migration and diversity. As a student on the master programme, you will learn about different disciplines and traditions within the IMER subject, and different ways of acquiring knowledge about migration and diversity.
Located in the very south-eastern corner of Sweden, 40 km from Copenhagen across the Öresund strait, Malmö is the natural gateway to Europe. The city’s post-War history is shaped by immigration from different places of the world. 1/3 of the city’s residents are foreign-born immigrants originating from 180 different countries. More than half of the population has immigrant background (first or second generation), making Malmö one of the most diverse cities in Europe. This diversity is of course visible everywhere you go and makes Malmö an extremely interesting place for IMER studies and research. Adding to this diversity is the international profile of the university in general and the Department of Global Political Studies in particular, with an even split between domestic and international students. As a student on the IMER Master programme, you do not only study migration and diversity, you experience and live it every day.
Read more about the programme here:
Specialisation and expertise
The IMER Master programme covers many different aspects, theories and methodological approaches to migration and diversity. It offers students opportunities to dig deeper into certain themes and issues in close contact with ongoing research. The third semester of the programme is especially designed to bring students closer to the “research front”. It consists of a whole semester course that centres on topical and delimited issues and debates in migration and diversity studies. The course, which is titled “Problems and Questions in Contemporary IMER Research”, is divided in two fields of specialisation (15 + 15 credits) that vary from year to year. (The exact content is announced in March every spring.) The fourth and last semester of the programme consists of a thesis course, in which supervision (individually and collectively) constitutes the main form of teaching. The students choose the thesis subjects on their own with advice and support from the teacher/s.
The teaching team has a wide scope of expertise covering subjects such as migration and citizenship, race and prejudice, nationalism and populism, migration and statelessness, gender and migration, migration and segregation, migration policy in the EU, and so on. Methodologically, we cover both quantitative and qualitative methods, ethnography and interviews, document and text analysis as well as experiments and normative analysis.
Tentative course programme for semesters 3 and 4
EuMIGS Double Degree students who enroll with Malmö University follow the second year of the programme. The third semester is open to programme and exchange students (Double Degree or one semester exchange), and also as a free-standing course to students from Malmö University and other universities. The fourth semester is only for programme students and EuMIGS Double Degree students.
The second year on the two-year programme offers in-depth critical analysis and engagement with current questions and problems in IMER research. The fall semester is theory-oriented, focusing on two delimited fields of research, while the spring semester consists of independent research/thesis work with supervision and feedback seminars in larger groups. All teaching draws on the specific expertise of the teaching team and ongoing research at the research center MIM ( IMER master’s students are encouraged to participate and grow in this vibrant milieu of academic activities, e.g. the weekly research seminar, the master’s conference with AMIS at Copenhagen University ( and the programme’s own Research Day.
3rd semester (30 credits)
Two 15 credits courses, each consisting of one part lectures and mandatory readings, and one part in-depth specialisation through selected readings and group seminars. Each course is examined through active participation in classes and an individually written research review.
- Problems and Questions in Contemporary IMER Research, 30 credits (IM631L)
Please see details here:
4th semester (30 credits)
- Master thesis.
Read more about the Master thesis here:
Master thesis requirements and examination
The forth semester is completely dedicated to the master thesis, an individually researched and written academic paper of 20,000 words (+/- 10 %), approximately 50-60 pages. Thesis ideas normally emerge during the preceding 3rd semester in discussions with teachers and course mates. Students have great liberty in selecting a subject within the IMER field, which is then elaborated, delimited and refined in discussions with teachers and supervisor.
The master thesis is the product of independent and original research conducted individually by the student under the supervision of a senior teacher at the department, assigned on the basis of the chosen subject and analytical approach. The thesis has to meet key scientific criteria of substance and form, such as academic honesty, intersubjectivity, correct referencing and source criticism. Furthermore, thesis work is based on a carefully developed research design including valid theory and method, and reliable material/data.
The semester is organized around a series of collective and individual supervision seminars and meetings, in which research ideas, plans and strategies are discussed. Prior to some of these meetings, students have to send in drafts that receive feedback and criticism from supervisors and course mates. The programme puts much emphasis on peer assessment and the development of a generic ability to critically review academic work of different forms. To this end, students devote a lot of time reading, reviewing and learning from the work of others, which in turn helps them in their own thesis work.
The final theses are examined in thesis seminars at the end of the semester. Examiners are professors and associate professors at the department. The examination consists both of the thesis defence, in which the student responds to criticism and comments from opponents and the examiner, and opposition, in which the student has to review and discuss another student’s thesis.
Theses are graded by the examiner (not same as supervisor) on a descending scale from A to U:
Grades | English grade description |
A | excellent |
B | very good |
C | good |
D | satisfactory |
E | sufficient |
U | fail |
No tuition fees are charged by Malmö University from EuMIGS double degree students, whether EU citizens or not as long as they follow the programme courses.
Admission requirements
- Degree of social sciences or humanities.
- General eligibility + the equivalent of English course B from Swedish secondary school.
- 60 credits from one of the programmes included in the EuMIGS network.
Language requirements
- At least B2 level. Read more about the B2 level here
Specific documents
- Copy of identity document
- Transcript of Records from current education
- Personal Statement
- Copy of B.A. Degree Certificate
Admission documents send out end of April/ beginning of May for Autumn.
Practical information
For some information about student life in Malmö see Admitted exchange students will receive more detailed information.
Degree certificate
The student will be awarded the degree of Master of Arts in International Migration and Ethnic Relations from Malmö University when all course requirements are completed and the student fulfils the general and specific eligibility requirements outlined above. A degree certificate is issued on request and a diploma supplement will be attached to it.
Application procedure for pre-selected incoming candidates
- Application deadline April 15
After nomination, students will receive detailed application instructions.
Academic calendar 2023/24
Autumn: 28 August 2023 – 14 January 2024
Spring: 15 January – 2 June 2024
Contact and further details
EuMIGS academic coordinator:

Christian Fernandez
Programme Coordinator
EuMIGS administrative contact:

Åsa Ulemark
Incoming Exchange Coordinator

Maria Wennerberg
Outgoing Exchange Coordinator