Kick-off Meeting October 2020: new and former EuMIGS students meet online

This year’s kick-off meeting took place online on the 2nd of October 2020. EuMIGS coordinators from all partner institutes as well as former EuMIGS students welcomed the new cohort of EuMIGS double degree students.

While it was a pity not to meet in person, the online format allowed to invite students from all EuMIGS double degree cohorts as well as those students embarking on a simple Erasmus exchange within the EuMIGS consortium. Despite the pandemic, twelve students have planned to go abroad through EuMIGS, two of them to obain a double degree.

After a presentation of the network, the profile of each partner institute and their respective master programmes, new and former double degree students presented themselves.

Former EuMIGS students shared their experiences and a short reflection about (working) life after EuMIGS. Students from the second double degree cohort presented a “hitchhiker’s guide to EuMIGS” from students to students. The aim of this guide is to provide new students with first-hand useful information to organize their stay abroad.

We thank you all for your participation and we look forward to a EuMIGS Kick-off in person next year!


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