Podcast: Migration and Identities

Identity with a migration background: personal experiences vs others’ expectations. This podcast addresses the complexity of the identities of people with a migration background.

Damaris and Mirana made this podcast during the Eumigs workshop in A Coruna in February/March 2023


News & Blogs

  • EuMIGS at the IMISCOE conference: Migration research on the move

    Twenty EuMIGS Double Degree students participated in the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2024 in Lisbon on the topic of reflexivity in migration research. In two EuMIGS workshops, students presented their recently finished or ongoing master thesis projects...
  • EuMIGS Winter Workshop in Liège

    20 EuMIGS double degree students, 11 Master students from the EuMIGS partner Universities and 9 EuMIGS coordinators met in Liège for the network 2024 Winter workshop.

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  • All EuMIGS Lectures 2023 are now online!

    The EuMIGS Lecture Series - Autumn 2023 brought together eight researchers from eight EuMIGS partner universities working on the topics of citizenship and mobility and how these are intertwined.

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